Sunday, September 8, 2013

Music Apps Show and Tell

Social networking may have some redeeming qualities. The ability to share information quickly amongst dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people can be both scary and tremendously empowering. We will attempt to use this power for good whenever possible. I thought I might just put out the question, "What apps are we using to write, listen to, create, or perform music these days?"

I am not being completely benevolent by asking this question. Sure, if you find some cool new apps by what is shared here then, by all means, more power to you. I see it as a means to shave a few hours out of my week searching for potentially applicable apps.
If you share them, I will compile them in a future post to share with others.

Please feel free to comment below with your app, why you love it and how you use it.

Thanks for sharing!

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